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Beachlex Blog
Coral Bleaching
We think of corals as vibrant habitats, providing sheltered homes to countless marine organisms. Famous coral reefs like Australia’s...
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The Kelp Forest Community
What are kelp forests? Found along the Pacific coast ranging from Alaska to northern Mexico, kelp forests are dense groupings of kelp...
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Creatures of Tide Pools
What are tide pools? Every day, the coasts experience two high tides and two low tides, caused by the pull of the Moon’s gravity on the...
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Beware of the Dangers of Rip Currents
What are rip currents? "Rip currents" can arise in low spots or breaks in sandbars, as well as near structures like jetties and piers, as...
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Whitetip Reef Shark
Commonly found around reefs and caves, whitetip reef sharks (Triaenodon obesus) are extremely docile creatures. These requiem sharks are...
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Blue Marlins
There are four species of marlin fish, black, striped, blue and white marlin. The blue marlin fish is one of the most easily recognizable...
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Rip Currents
Every year dozens of individuals lose their lives fighting rip currents. They occur often, all over the world, and can be fatal. If you...
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Blue Sea Star
Have you ever thought about how difficult it is to find the color blue in nature? This is because a true blue color or pigment is very...
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Crown of Thorns Starfish
The crown of thorns starfish (Acanthaster planci) are marine invertebrates that mainly feed on coral and algae. Invertebrates are...
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Cone Snails
It is well known that our world is full of amazing and unique creatures. However, there are many ways that marine life can end your life,...
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Banded Sea Krait
The banded sea krait, also known as Laticauda colubrina, are amphibious sea snakes that are commonly found in eastern Indian and western...
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Electric Eels
Have you ever seen electric eels in aquariums before? As the name implies, these electric eels get their name by their shocking ability...
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Flower Sea Urchin
The Toxopneustes pileolus, more commonly known as flower sea urchin, flower tip urchin, sea hedgehog, or toxic sea urchin, looks like a...
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The Blue-Ringed Octopus
The blue-ringed octopus, like other octopuses, is a majestic creature. This small species looks adorable, but many have a lot of fears...
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Orcas (Killer Whales)
Orcas, also known as killer whales, are toothed whales and are the largest member of the Dolphin family. These large marine mammals are...
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Is it an oyster, a clam, or a mussel?
Oysters, clams, and mussels... what's the difference? Similarities These three types of shellfish are all mollusks and are part of the...
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Facts about American Bullfrogs
American bullfrog is large frog. It can reach 3.5 to 6 inches in length and up to 1.1 pounds in weight. Females are larger than males....
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Sand Dollars
You probably have seen sand dollars on the beach before and thought it was a cool sort of shell or rock. However, you may not know that...
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Sea Anemone
Sea anemone are some of the most unique animals of the ocean. They are related to both coral and jellyfish and are not plants, despite...
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The Walrus; A Graceful Swimmer
Photo credit : The walrus is a graceful and powerful arctic creature that wields long tusks....
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