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Beachlex Blog
The Immortal Jellyfish
You might have heard of the “immortal jellyfish” before. Given the universality of the aging process, it’s no wonder that an animal...
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Coral Bleaching
We think of corals as vibrant habitats, providing sheltered homes to countless marine organisms. Famous coral reefs like Australia’s...
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The Intelligent Octopus
Octopuses are perhaps some of the ocean’s most alien creatures. Just some of their bizarre features include color-changing skin, three...
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Moon Jellies!
Description The moon jellyfish features a translucent bell with a fringe of short tentacles that measures 10 to 16 inches in diameter....
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Moon Snails
Moon snails are a family of small to large-sized predatory sea snails. The shells of the species in this family are mostly round, hence...
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Blue Sea Star
Have you ever thought about how difficult it is to find the color blue in nature? This is because a true blue color or pigment is very...
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Crown of Thorns Starfish
The crown of thorns starfish (Acanthaster planci) are marine invertebrates that mainly feed on coral and algae. Invertebrates are...
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