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Beachlex Blog
Whitetip Reef Shark
Commonly found around reefs and caves, whitetip reef sharks (Triaenodon obesus) are extremely docile creatures. These requiem sharks are...
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Sharks are Friends, Not Food
Countless people have imprecise feelings about sharks. Sharks have a reputation for being aggressive, murderous beasts. However, in most...
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Nurse Sharks
Overview Nurse sharks, also known by their scientific name as Ginglymostoma cirratum, are an unusual species. From how they tend to swim...
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All about Lemon Sharks
Overview/Introduction Lemon sharks, scientifically known as Negaprion brevirostris are an amazing branch of sharks. The sharks have many...
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Sand Sharks
Even though the species may look aggressive, they are not. Usually they are only considered aggressive when bothered. These sharks rarely...
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The Slowest Shark: Greenland Sharks
Overview Greenland Sharks (Somniosus microcephalus) are considered to be the slowest known shark. Their swimming rates are roughly 1.9...
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Whale Shark: A Whale or a Shark?
Whale sharks are considered the largest fish (and shark) in the sea, weighing up to 60 tons and reaching lengths of 40 feet or more....
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'Shark Girl' Madison Stewart
" person, and one shark fishermen, can make a difference"
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The Sharks Are Here to Stay; and Beachgoers Will Pay the Price
The Dramatic Spike in The Shark Population Over the Past 50 Years Clip from NBC discussing dramatic spike in the shark population...
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Shark Shockers: Bull Sharks
Bull Sharks, or ‘Carcharhinus Leucas,’ are considered the third-most aggressive or dangerous shark. Found in fresh and saltwaters, they...
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Shark Shockers: 'The Garbage Cans of the Sea'
Tiger sharks are considered the ‘garbage cans of the sea.’ They are known to be excellent scavengers of food and non-food items.
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Shark Shockers: Great White Sharks
Some FINformation about the apex predator of the sea
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The Great Hammerhead
The Great Hammerhead shark, an apex predator (not preyed upon), is the largest of the nine species of the hammerhead shark family. They...
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