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Beachlex Blog
Polar Bears: Behemoths of the North
Polar bears make the Arctic, one of the most inhospitable environments on Earth, home, and are the area’s apex predators.
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Catfish: A Cat, Fish, or Both?
Introduction When you hear the word catfish, there are two main things you think of: the animal and the verb. Catfish are a diverse group...
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The Tooth Walkers
Walruses are gentile and kind marine mammals that mostly live in near the Arctic Circle. Although they may not be the prettiest looking...
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Water Striders: Walking on Water
Description Water striders are small insects that are adapted for life on top of still water, using surface tension to their advantage so...
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The Fish That Excels at Archery
Archerfish, from the genus Toxotes, looks like any ordinary fish. Its about 10-12 inches and has a narrow body with a pointed face and...
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The Spectacular Salmon Run
Every year, one of the most incredible migrations occur along the Pacific Northwest coast. One with the potential to shape entire ecosystems
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Seals; Not Just a Snack for Sharks
When you first think of seals, you probably think of a shark's favorite meal, or at least I do considering how many summers I've spent on...
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What Makes Seahorses So Special?
Overview Seahorses are a unique fish that mainly reside in grassy areas in the shallow ocean. They are unusual in many ways, not just...
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The Electric Blue
The Blue Crayfish Source: Known by many names, such as the electric blue crayfish, the Florida crayfish, and the sapphire...
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A Devil Fish- The Atlantic Wolffish
Source- Wikidata Anarhichas lupus has many names, such as seawolf, Atlantic catfish, ocean catfish, devil fish, wolf eel, woof or sea cat...
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Behold the Axolotl!
People often refer to the axolotl as “Mexican Walking Fish” even though they aren't fish at all, they are amphibians! You may be...
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The Aquatic Furry Mammal: Steller Sea Lion
Introduction & Physical Appearance Steller or northern sea lions are sometimes confused with California sea lions, but are much larger...
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The Gladiators of the Ocean
Xiphias gladius, otherwise known as the swordfish, is the only species of the Xiphiidae family. Often regarded as prized food and game...
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Hector's Dolphin - What a Name!
Introduction & Physical Appearance Who is Hector and why are his dolphins so special? The Hector's dolphin was named after Sir James...
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A Hard Day in the World of Sea Turtles
Sea turtles are a beautiful, curious and unproblematic species that live in the ocean. They barely cause any harm to humans for they only...
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Shells for a Home: The Coconut Octopus
The Coconut Octopus earns its name from its unusual yet intelligent behaviour. Amphioctopus marginatus, also known as the 'coconut...
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Sea Cows: Know the Basics
Introduction & Physical Appearance Can you guess what animal is shown above? Well, many people have heard of its nickname, the Sea Cow,...
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Flamingo Tongue Snail: The Celebrity of the Reef
Introduction & Physical Appearance So what are Flamingo Tongue Snails? These aquatic species are rare and colorful mollusks that live and...
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Saving The Harp Seals
My Personal Bias I have a confession to make. I think harp seals might be the best thing I've ever seen. The first thing I can say when I...
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The Dolphin: Not as Peaceful and Happy as You May Think
Everyone knows what a dolphin is. They are easily recognizable small-toothed cetaceans with a curved mouth, giving them a permanent...
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