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Beachlex Blog
The Spotted Eagle Ray; a Timid Charm
Spotted Eagle Ray Scientific name: Aetobatus narinari Photo credit : The spotted eagle ray is...
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Big Eyed Harp Seals “Harp Seals” What is a Harp Seal? The picture above is a baby harp seal! Adult...
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Coral polyps: building blocks of the coral reef
Though coral may look like a rock, it is actually made of organisms that form a colony, and these organisms are called coral polyps....
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Enteroctopus: The Giant Octopus
Introduction Southern red octopuses vary in color from bright red to rust and have whitish suckers under their arms. Their mantle is...
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The Elephant Seal: A Seal that looks like an Elephant
Introduction & History The northern elephant seal is the largest of the “true” seal in the Northern Hemisphere. Adult males use their...
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The Mini Pea Crab
Introduction The Pea Crab is an unusual little parasite which you may just meet face-to-face. Pea Crabs live inside clams, mussels, and...
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Killer Whales: Creatures of the Open Waters
Support the Guardian “Killer whales explain the mystery of the menopause” -
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The Waddling Gentoo Penguins
Introduction With flamboyant red-orange beaks, white-feather caps, and peach-colored feet, gentoo penguins stand out against their drab,...
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Seals- the angelic creature of the sea
The seal is a curious and intelligent creature of the sea. These creatures are semi aquatic creatures found throughout the world, 33...
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Tsunami? What’s that?
Introduction Chances are you’ve heard the term “tsunami” (su-nah-me), whether it was from a Science fiction movie or off the news, but if...
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Crabs- the armored amphibians
Like salamanders, frogs and toads these creatures are amphibious. If you didn’t know amphibious means that they are comfortable in and...
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Penguins- the flightless birds
The penguin are flightless birds that have adapted for the coldest environments and a dirt of fish and krill. Not all penguins can be...
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Boo: Atlantic Ghost Crab
Introduction Also known as the sand crab, the Atlantic ghost crab is a sand-colored crustacean with a distinct pair of white claws. Ghost...
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Aquarium Spotlight: Monterey Bay Aquarium
Monterey Bay Aquarium is one of hundreds of wonderful aquariums nationwide. Monterey Bay Aquarium is a non-profit public aquarium located...
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Vaquita - The Most Endangered Sea Creature
If you have never heard of the vaquita, you are not alone. This is because they only live in the northern part of the Gulf of...
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Top 20+ Crocodile Quotes
Jump into the belly of the beast and start your day of right with some fun crocodile quotes! "An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile,...
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Slimy Sea Snails
Introduction Snails’ ancestors are one of the earliest known types of animals in the world. There is fossil evidence of primitive...
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WARNING! Water is Infested with Piranhas!
What are Piranhas? Piranhas are South American fish with razor-sharp teeth and a reputation for feeding frenzies. In fact, piranha means...
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The Clowns of the Sea, - Puffins
Atlantic puffins are perhaps one of the most charismatic and adorable sea birds out there. With their short demeanour, rainbow coloured beak
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Box Crabs
BROWN BOX CRAB IS A type of king crab that usually habitats between Kodiak Island, Alaska, and San Diego, California. This crustacean’s...
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